Crisis: The six-month wall

Crisis: The six-month wall

Our author today is Kassie Hauenstein. She is on the marketing team at SalesPage Technologies and is a tour guide for West Michigan Beer Tours. Kassie is finishing her MBA at Western Michigan University and hopes to apply creative problem solving skills and a...
Everything is NOT important

Everything is NOT important

Most leaders I know have lost sleep because they are preoccupied with work. They’ve felt pulled in multiple directions at once. They often don’t feel like there is enough time in the day to do what needs to be done. One recently commented, “I...
My old friend

My old friend

Today’s post is written by Abby Watters, Humanergy’s Logistics Associate. Stress is something we all have to navigate at one time or another. Whether it’s work-related or just life getting in the way, stress can be a monster that makes you think...
Too many goals?

Too many goals?

I’m a reformed goal-setter. I do set goals, of course, but more carefully than in years past. I used to have long lists of goals – for work, fitness, relationships, balance, etc. Could I have recited them all without referring to my list?...
Take action to manage time

Take action to manage time

There are lots of complicated processes about how to get things done. However, some of the best advice is simple. I try to start each day with four options. Given the work at hand, I decide to take one of these actions:Do it. These are the things I need to...