Rigid? Here’s how to become more flexible

Rigid? Here’s how to become more flexible

Ever wish you could break out of your established patterns and ways of being? The truth is that most of us are more comfortable acting in familiar ways and in typical situations. What do you do when those comfy habits aren’t working anymore? How do you overcome...
Bottle your 2020 secret sauce

Bottle your 2020 secret sauce

For many people, 2020 brought challenges that were unprecedented and relentless. The global pandemic, economic, educational and health inequalities, police brutality and political upheaval created a stew of anxiety, uncertainty and often great pain and loss. Much of...
Breathing for stress reduction

Breathing for stress reduction

This was originally posted on Humanergy’s leadership blog on July 18, 2012. We felt this post on reducing stress through the breath would be especially helpful in view of the current crisis. If you find yourself feeling tense, there is something you can do...
Succeeding in a complex world

Succeeding in a complex world

I’m reading Team of Teams by General Stanley McChrystal, Tantum Collins, David Silverman and Chris Fussell. In the introduction, General McChrystal talks about the military leaders who were part of the Joint Special Operations Task Force. He says they had...