by Christi Barrett | Change, Growth, Leadership, Success
Are you tired of hearing about New Year’s resolutions? If you’re like me, you may have ambitious goals in January, only to find them a distant memory by February. That’s why comedian Joey Adams coined the toast, “May your troubles last as long...
by David Wheatley | Growth
Your once-well-oiled machine of a team is experiencing strife. Some people seem to be spending more time whining than doing their jobs. A high-priority project is behind schedule and over budget. What questions do you ask to understand what’s really going on?...
by Christi Barrett | Conflict, Emotional Intelligence
Your co-worker is driving you nuts. You’ve tried subtle hints, but those haven’t worked. You know venting to coworkers is bad and makes you part of the problem. (Don’t you remember that from our post last week?) How do you constructively address the...
by Christi Barrett | Judgment, Strategic
Problem finders have gotten a bad rap. Maybe we assume that someone who points out problems is paranoid, looking to get others in trouble or just a pain in the butt. When is unearthing difficulties not only a good thing, but necessary? When the problem is potentially...