Three reasons NOT to have a meeting

Three reasons NOT to have a meeting

I saw a post today about how to drastically cut meeting time by sending out relevant materials in advance and proceeding right to discussion. Margaret Heffeman writes in her blog at that assuming people do their homework and proceeding right to discussion...
Yes, you can manage interruptions

Yes, you can manage interruptions

“Don’t be defeated by a self-fulfilling prophecy that your interruptions can’t be controlled.” Jack D. Ferner Interruptions can drain your available time to address vital priorities. So, not taking control of your time and managing interruptions is tantamount to...
Sure, we want a work/life balance!

Sure, we want a work/life balance!

There is nothing wrong with devoting yourself to work, reveling in the satisfaction that achievement brings. A disturbing trend, however, seems to be organizations saying they value work/life balance and then reinforcing just the opposite behavior. The company line...