by David Wheatley | Supervision
Asking powerful questions is one of the key skills of a great leader and team member. In my client work, I see many reasons why this doesn’t happen. Often the barriers to asking questions (versus just giving the answer) involve assumptions and beliefs about...
by Christi Barrett | Decision-making, Goals
Leaders are fantastic problem-solvers. However, there may be situations that are so confusing that they defy the typical problem-solving strategies. What do you do when you’re faced with a thorny dilemma and can’t think of what to do? Steve McKee...
by Tiffany Funk | About Humanergy, Development, Growth, Learning, New Leaders
Welcome, guest blogger, Tiffany Funk, who joined Humanergy in June. As the newest member of the team, I was given the opportunity to participate in a recent “Effective Meetings and Time Management” session of the Supervisory Leadership Certificate program....
by Christi Barrett | Emotional Intelligence
Sam has had it with Susie. “She’s messed up my schedule again,” he grumbles to himself. Sam hasn’t said anything to Susie about his most recent concerns, because he feels she’s very sensitive and will likely have a defensive response....
by David Wheatley | Choice, Teamwork, Trust
It would have been pretty tempting to do some complaining aboard the Ruby May, the 39-foot sailboat that my beloved wife Launda Wheatley and I called home for two months. The Atlantic crossing brought our crew of four individuals wind, sunburn, rain and a fire onboard...