Claim time for you

Claim time for you

If you’re like me, it can be hard to reign in a busy schedule and make time for personal needs. I have fewer problems balancing work, family and friends, but when it comes to space for exercise and relaxation, it’s harder. I’m good at putting others...
Hold up a minute

Hold up a minute

Rush, rush, rush. Decide, execute, move quickly! I get so caught up with getting stuff done that I rarely press the pause button. This may be fine on the surface. But the result is I am not as efficient and effective as I should be. This morning, I sent two emails to...
Cloud gazing

Cloud gazing

Today’s blog is written by Humanergy’s newest addition – Michelle VanderMeer, executive coach and leadership development facilitator extraordinaire! In my family, we have a long standing tradition of lying on the ground, looking up at the sky and...
Mindful eating

Mindful eating

If you are like me, the New Year’s resolutions have come and gone. So now is the time for more sane and realistic goals to take center stage. Being effective in all realms of life requires a healthy mind and body, so I’m focusing on mindful eating....
Assume the best

Assume the best

You get to work and read an email from a coworker: Christi – the side door was left unlocked between 2 and 3 pm again. Have you thought of creating a checklist that will help you remember? Jane You think: What a jerk Thanks for the helpful suggestion. I’ll try...