by Christi Barrett | Supervision
Samantha loves her job. She enjoys interacting with customers and meeting their needs. She does a great job when the issues and their answers are clear. But Samantha struggles when something unexpected happens and she needs to think on her feet. She can follow an...
by Christi Barrett | Learning, Performance
Balls get dropped. Mistakes are made. These things happen, and we find ourselves putting out fires and moving on…sometimes to the next fire. The funny thing about problems is that we all know it’s what we do about them that really matters. Yet we rarely...
by Christi Barrett | Creativity, Performance
Today’s blog is written by Humanergy’s newest addition – Michelle VanderMeer, executive coach and leadership development facilitator extraordinaire! In my family, we have a long standing tradition of lying on the ground, looking up at the sky and...
by John Barrett | Meetings
You know what you need to achieve. The right people are in the room. You have plenty of coffee and snacks to keep the group energized. Your meeting is off to a great start, but how do you make sure that you get the results you need? Humanergy starts meetings by...
by Christi Barrett | Decision-making, Judgment, Leadership
It might seem that when it comes to strategic thinking, the brain is your ally. Not always. Our brains aren’t always rational, and we are unaware of the extent to which the mind takes shortcuts and makes assumptions. Charles Roxburgh writes about the brain in Hidden...