by John Barrett | Delegation
Bob, one of your direct reports, comes into your office, obviously stressed. “The client just found another glitch in the software. They’re threatening to cancel the work.” People come to you with problems on a daily basis. It might be tempting to...
by Christi Barrett | Change, Leadership
We have heard it before. “You can’t change people.” Yet we persist with the idea that if we just use the right words at the right time, the other person will “get it.” In “Leadership in the Age of Complexity: From Hero to...
by Christi Barrett | Leadership, Motivation
Grow up. Do your job. Don’t expect to hear about it when things go well. I pay you to do a good job. These words may sound a bit harsh. But they reflect the attitudes of some leaders who wonder why they have to nurture (coddle) their people. After all,...