by Christi Barrett | Communication, Supervision
You are a dedicated supervisor, and you take the time to engage in conversation with your people on a regular basis. Great job! Yet you may not be having the right kind of discussions – the ones that build employee engagement. Kristi Hedges, who wrote Four...
by Christi Barrett | Communication
Tom is a new supervisor who wants to do the right thing for his direct reports. When he began his leadership journey, he thought his job was to have or find the right answers. He’s beginning to understand that his real job is enabling others to learn and grow,...
by Jim Coyle | Supervision
We are pleased to welcome guest blogger Jim Coyle, CEO of Nexus Business Solutions. They are experts at helping small to mid-sized businesses implement practical solutions, utilizing the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS). Nexus just turned 11 years old....
by Christi Barrett | Growth, Motivation
Last week, my daughter, Maggie, performed in the middle school band solo/ensemble competition. Having never experienced this type of event, I figured I’d be watching three young people perform pretty well, in spite of their extreme nervousness. That definitely...
by Christi Barrett | Coaching, Growth, Learning
Stan returned from a training, saying, “Wow, that trainer rocked. He told the best jokes!” Stan’s co-worker Jackie asked, “Did you learn a lot?” “Sure!” Stan replied. Two weeks later, the training materials were housed safely...