Monkey management: Effective delegation

Monkey management: Effective delegation

Back in 1974, Oncken and Wass wrote a Harvard Business Review article called, “Who’s Got the Monkey?” It used monkeys as metaphors for tasks or projects. It was well-received nearly 50 years ago, and the article remains a popular reprint today. The...
The challenge of linear thinkers

The challenge of linear thinkers

Samantha loves her job. She enjoys interacting with customers and meeting their needs. She does a great job when the issues and their answers are clear. But Samantha struggles when something unexpected happens and she needs to think on her feet. She can follow an...
Boost team wellness

Boost team wellness

Humanergy is composed of some focused, competitive folks. For many years we’ve been having a lot of fun as we combine wellness with healthy competition. Our most recent initiative divided us into two teams to set and then achieve exercise goals. Each person set...