Yes, you can manage interruptions

Yes, you can manage interruptions

“Don’t be defeated by a self-fulfilling prophecy that your interruptions can’t be controlled.” Jack D. Ferner Interruptions can drain your available time to address vital priorities. So, not taking control of your time and managing interruptions is tantamount to...
Just do one thing

Just do one thing

Most people would describe their lives as busy, even overwhelming. That’s the most common reason people give for not tackling the not-urgent-and-very-important things that we say are priorities. We don’t do them, in spite of the fact that they are the...

Why you’re not achieving your goals

Advice abounds when it comes to setting goals. You’ve probably been told a million times to make your goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Result-driven and Time-bound). Yet year after year, you either don’t bother setting goals or you lose track...
Ask the right questions at the right time

Ask the right questions at the right time

Your once-well-oiled machine of a team is experiencing strife. Some people seem to be spending more time whining than doing their jobs. A high-priority project is behind schedule and over budget. What questions do you ask to understand what’s really going on?...
Be strategic

Be strategic

I was working with a group of senior leaders recently when the topic turned to the need to be more strategic. These leaders recognized that as they moved up in the organization, the balance of time spent on strategy versus time spent on tactics needed to adjust. The...