People who bug you

People who bug you

A wise woman said to me recently, “My goal is to spend more time with Sue Smith (not her real name). She really drives me nuts.” I was surprised, to say the least, as my friend is not one to suffer fools gladly. Noting my astonished reaction, she said,...
Leadership requirement: X-ray vision

Leadership requirement: X-ray vision

High performance leaders know how to read the pulse of the organization. They regularly adjust strategies and tactics based on their understanding of what is really going on. This type of X-ray vision is the ability to see the unknown, inner mechanism of people and...
Intentionality, Part 2

Intentionality, Part 2

You have something about yourself you want to change – maybe a habitual way of thinking that is getting in the way. Or maybe it’s a behavior that you want to start or stop. Wishing it will happen doesn’t work. Writing it down isn’t enough to...