Rigid? Here’s how to become more flexible

Rigid? Here’s how to become more flexible

Ever wish you could break out of your established patterns and ways of being? The truth is that most of us are more comfortable acting in familiar ways and in typical situations. What do you do when those comfy habits aren’t working anymore? How do you overcome...
Live into new ways of thinking

Live into new ways of thinking

“We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking.” ― Richard Rohr Mind. Blown. Richard Rohr continues to upend my long-held beliefs, and this certainly happened when I read this statement. And it’s true. Sometimes...
Your legacy = your choices

Your legacy = your choices

Welcome to spring – a time of new life and growth and an opportunity for a fresh perspective on our daily habits and choices. It’s a timely reminder to find balance in my life after launching into 2019. By taking the occasional pause to breathe and reflect, we...
Independence in leadership

Independence in leadership

Today’s blogger is Humanergy’s Business Development and Marketing Manager, Tiffany Funk. If you’re wondering how to distinguish yourself as a leader within your organization, let your independence shine. Instead of working to make sure your thoughts, goals...
Dare to be ugly

Dare to be ugly

Dorothy Parker said, “Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.” In the United States, we tend to value beauty. We create pleasing buildings and beautiful workspaces. But it is often the ugly that builds successful teams and companies....