Think like a beginner

Think like a beginner

We’d like to welcome guest blogger Tiffany Funk, Humanergy’s Marketing and Materials Specialist. Thinking like a beginner may sound counterintuitive in today’s competitive marketplace. Who doesn’t want to be considered an expert in their...
The problem with problems

The problem with problems

Today’s leaders are problem-solvers. Issues can take a toll when the quandaries pile up or have serious implications. What’s an overwhelmed leader to do? Rethink problems as issues to resolve, not obstacles or unnecessary headaches. It seems like a minor...
Mindfulness in conflict

Mindfulness in conflict

When the you-know-what hits the fan, and I’m in unexpected conflict, I often don’t respond in the best way possible. It’s far too easy for me to be thrown off guard and give off angry or defensive signals. All the while, my internal monologue is...
The challenge of linear thinkers

The challenge of linear thinkers

Samantha loves her job. She enjoys interacting with customers and meeting their needs. She does a great job when the issues and their answers are clear. But Samantha struggles when something unexpected happens and she needs to think on her feet. She can follow an...