by Spencer Westley | Goals
We’d like to welcome guest blogger Spencer Westley, Humanergy’s former intern and current young professional.As professionals, we know that setting goals and pushing ourselves is a positive thing; that’s how we grow. However, sometimes it seems that...
by Christi Barrett | Emotional Intelligence
Just stop worrying. Those are fighting words for someone who tends to be apprehensive or ruminate on the pitfalls ahead. It can’t be that easy, right?Simply telling yourself or someone else “just stop” is not a great approach. What are some...
by Christi Barrett | Communication, Mutual Understanding
Few things are more frustrating than speaking with someone who isn’t listening. Distracted by their phone a noisy room or busy mind, bad listeners seem to be multiplying in modern society.What’s a communicator to do?Rebecca Knight on HBR has some great...
by Christi Barrett | Growth, Organizational Climate
Dorothy Parker said, “Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.” In the United States, we tend to value beauty. We create pleasing buildings and beautiful workspaces. But it is often the ugly that builds successful teams and...
by Spencer Westley | Creativity, Diversity
We’d like to welcome guest blogger Spencer Westley, Humanergy’s former intern and current young professional.I am very picky about my jeans…some might say too picky, if we’re being honest. They can’t be too loose or too tight. They have...