by Christi Barrett | Time Management
We’ve often given advice not only to focus on what you will do to meet your goals, but also decide what NOT to do. This advice becomes concrete and easy to do using the methods described in Harvard Business Review’s article “Want to Be More...
by Christi Barrett | Accountability
In today’s oh-so-busy society, an overflowing to-do list is commonplace and even worthy of boasting. The frequent reply to “How are you?” is “Busy!” It seems like there are always more things to add to my list of obligations, and some...
by Spencer Westley | Mindfulness, Wellness
We are pleased to welcome guest blogger Spencer Westley, Humanergy’s former intern and wellness writer. Have you ever heard of the “Freshman 15?” You know, the thing that happens when kids leave mom’s kitchen and discover the magical world that...
by Christi Barrett | Performance, Wellness
Recently I found out I have a disease. It’s Hurry Sickness. That was abundantly clear when I read the title of this article, but could only skim it, since I was too busy to give it a thorough read at the time. Having finally (quickly) read the article, I feel...
by Christi Barrett | Leadership
This content was originally posted on May 3, 2010, but we couldn’t resist sharing it again. Nothing beats Mom when it comes to sage advice. That MBA degree is dandy, but the lessons learned can’t hold a candle to Mom’s (or Dad’s or Gram’s) wisdom. A recent poll...