by Tiffany Funk | About Humanergy, Development, Growth, Learning, New Leaders
Welcome, guest blogger, Tiffany Funk, who joined Humanergy in June. As the newest member of the team, I was given the opportunity to participate in a recent “Effective Meetings and Time Management” session of the Supervisory Leadership Certificate program....
by Christi Barrett | Creativity, Performance
Today’s blog is written by Humanergy’s newest addition – Michelle VanderMeer, executive coach and leadership development facilitator extraordinaire! In my family, we have a long standing tradition of lying on the ground, looking up at the sky and...
by Christi Barrett | Growth, Leadership
We are often asked to recommend books that address a particular leadership challenge. While reading books certainly doesn’t guarantee behavior change, many people report that they are inspired and guided by what they learn in books. Here are several of our favorites,...