Delegate to the busy

Delegate to the busy

“I can’t delegate anything! We’ve had staff cuts, and everyone is too busy already.” That’s a pretty frequent comment made by leaders. Is there no other option but doing it yourself?Actually, delegation can still happen, even if...
What is really important?

What is really important?

Kathy Roche-Wallace – ultra endurance athlete, mom, wife, grandmother and amazing person – said something profound recently. (She makes a habit of that.)  Kathy said, “You nourish what you value.”That got me thinking. What do I really...
Noise reduction

Noise reduction

Beginning on Independence Day, I’ve taken steps to reduce the noise in my life. Not the actual airwaves kind of noise, but the distracting and time-sucking digital overload. Maybe you’ll find these two steps helpful in simplifying your life:...


Humanergy’s word for 2015 is “essentialism.” This is the disciplined pursuit of less, as described in Greg McKeown’s book of the same name.No, we’re not working less intensely or getting less done. We’re simply focusing our...
What journey are you taking?

What journey are you taking?

While we’re not big on people categorization, sometimes great questions do emerge from these distinctions. I find that you can categorize people as inward-journey and outward-journey focused.Inward-journey people seek to understand themselves and others and...