by Christi Barrett | Delegation
“I can’t delegate anything! We’ve had staff cuts, and everyone is too busy already.” That’s a pretty frequent comment made by leaders. Is there no other option but doing it yourself? Actually, delegation can still happen, even if...
by Christi Barrett | Choice, Goals
Kathy Roche-Wallace – ultra endurance athlete, mom, wife, grandmother and amazing person – said something profound recently. (She makes a habit of that.) Kathy said, “You nourish what you value.” That got me thinking. What do I really value?...
by Christi Barrett | Time Management
Beginning on Independence Day, I’ve taken steps to reduce the noise in my life. Not the actual airwaves kind of noise, but the distracting and time-sucking digital overload. Maybe you’ll find these two steps helpful in simplifying your life: Unsubscribe...
by David Wheatley | Emotional Intelligence
While we’re not big on people categorization, sometimes great questions do emerge from these distinctions. I find that you can categorize people as inward-journey and outward-journey focused. Inward-journey people seek to understand themselves and others and...