Low tech brainstorming

Low tech brainstorming

Crowd-sourcing, mind-mapping and apps can be valuable tools when you need to tap the wisdom of many minds. The fine folks at Brains on Fire remind us that we don’t need technology to build upon one another’s ideas. This tech-savvy organization keeps it...
Onboarding 101

Onboarding 101

My son, Ryan, started a new job some time ago. He started with the usual cursory training. Then his coworkers took him aside and said, “Here’s what I wish I had known my first week.” They clued him into the opportunities and pitfalls. They...
Again, leadership lessons from Mom

Again, leadership lessons from Mom

This content was originally posted on May 3, 2010, but we couldn’t resist sharing it again. Nothing beats Mom when it comes to sage advice. That MBA degree is dandy, but the lessons learned can’t hold a candle to Mom’s (or Dad’s or Gram’s) wisdom. A recent poll...
Your leadership compass

Your leadership compass

The quality of life and leadership is built by the choices we make – small and large – everyday. How do you have a meaningful life and strive to be a great leader? Begin by reflecting on the “best” of you – your thinking, Your...
The wisdom of sleeping on a decision

The wisdom of sleeping on a decision

Being decisive is an important leadership skill. It’s also good leadership to make that big decision tomorrow, rather than right now. Not only will you avoid impulsive decisions, you’ll also get input from your unconscious mind. Martha Lagace interviewed...