by Christi Barrett | Decision-making
Ever have a project you’ve invested time, money, sweat and heart in, only to realize (often well after you should) that it’s not going to reap the right results? It can be difficult to pull the plug on a venture that once was full of potential and...
by Christi Barrett | Time Management
Now more than ever, the need to spend time wisely really matters. For that reason, it is important to use proven and practical strategies for managing time and making the most of every minute. One easy method is to flex work hours so that you’re working more in...
by Christi Barrett | Engagement, Success
The COVID-19 pandemic means that many workers are now remote. (And, lest we ignore the brutal reality, a great many others are not working at all.) Maintaining a shared focus on organizational/team success becomes more challenging when people are not physically...
by Christi Barrett | Emotional Intelligence
When a person is struggling with intense feelings at the office, it can be hard for others to know what to do. Strong emotions are in evidence everywhere, with varying frequency, even in organizations where the culture is more rational and restrained. The first...
by Spencer Westley | Wellness, Work/Life Balance
We are pleased to welcome guest blogger Spencer Westley, Humanergy’s former intern and wellness writer. I was out for a morning run when I saw a deadly-looking, swamp-like waste on the side of the road. I’ve gotta tell ya’, I was five seconds away...