Stephen R. Covey wrote in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, “Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” There are probably millions of blogs, books and articles on how to build trust, because it is such a critical attribute at work, at home and in communities.

If you want to narrow your focus on three core behaviors that build trust, what would you do?

  1. Listen more and talk less – Deep listening is powerful and demonstrates that you value others’ perspectives. Also, think of all you can learn when you fully listen.
  2. Walk the talk – Live up to the values and non-negotiable behaviors that you expect from others.
  3. Seek feedback and act on it – Solicit people’s feedback, manage your reactions to it, and then take action to improve, recognizing that you, like everyone else, are on a learning journey.

Commit to building more trust today, and you’ll reap the benefits of improved morale, better collaboration and more productivity. Trust is a gift, and one that we can earn by virtue of our behavior and relationships. Oh, and trust makes work more fun, too!

Have a tip for building trust? Comment below or message us.


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash