Create a great team and a culture shift.

The Green Path is a holistic approach to building and maintaining care for the greater good, commitment to impact and high people intelligence.

Aspiring Leaders:
Green Path Starter Kit

Training that fosters everyday leadership and team membership from the get-go

What is the Green Path Starter Kit Series?

  • Accessible, valuable and practical work sessions to strengthen the performance of individual contributors and future leaders
  • Six (6) two-hour sessions once a month anchored in Humanergy’s proven resources and tools
  • Facilitated by a Humanergy Coach with focus on participants’ realities and experiences
  • Small groups (15-20 participants)
  • Approachable cost of $800pp for open enrollment & $750pp for internal groups

Session 1
Take the Green Path

Explore what makes great teams great and begin to model solution oriented behaviors.

Session 2
Focus on everyday choices

Get clear guidance on everyday leadership DOs and DON’Ts for tangible success.

Session 3
Commit to mutual understanding

Hone effective communication routines to minimize assumptions and misunderstandings in relationships.

Session 4
Take ownership of responsibilities

Thrive in your roles and own your responsibilities, even when feeling unsure or lacking confidence.

Session 5
Ensure team meeting success

Influence meetings positively, whether you’re leading them or participating.

Session 6
Stay on the Green Path

Hardwire success routines with an actionable plan for greater influence and accountability.

Green Path Resources

We can design a Green Path for you
based on the individual needs of your organization.

Schedule A Call

Learn more about the Green Path in our book,
What Great Teams Do Great.

What Great Teams Do Great Book