This humble pile of stones has been created (and re-created) at Humanergy’s back door. Although I created it initially, it is not uncommon to find people adding to the stack or re-building it after a strong wind or curious squirrel took its toll.
Rock stacking has its origins in many cultural and spiritual practices – a Buddhist tradition of devotion and prayer, for one. Ancient cultures around the world have stacked rocks into cairns to mark a path, create a memorial or as a focus point for rituals.
Why do we stack rocks here at Humanergy? I haven’t taken a poll, but I think it has something to do with keeping perspective. Our tower of rocks is both beautiful and impermanent. It may fall one day, and we’ll rebuild, just like we’ve overcome the “slings and arrows” that come from time to time.
The best part of our rock stack is that it is a spontaneous, unstructured team creation. No one said, “Let’s build a tower of rocks.” It just happened.
Impromptu, unfettered creation is powerful. I sometimes wonder if we keep too tight a reign through plans and structures, so that people aren’t able to stretch and explore wild ideas. What could be accomplished if we gave people the time and freedom to get off the beaten path?
Need to tap your people’s creative spirit? Contact Humanergy.
Photo by Christi Barrett
Today’s post made me think of one of my favorite poems, The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost…and it ends with:
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
That particular part of the poem speaks to me of courage in the face of uncertainty, creativity, and the desire to seek experiences that are unfamiliar. That’s where the good “stuff” resides in life…it’s found on the path that gives us pause, creates a little flutter in the heart, and if we listen to our intuition we’ll discover that “off the beaten path” is where we discover ourselves.