Have you ever wondered how to maintain an organizational focus on leadership development in between training sessions and coaching engagements? The popularity of book clubs has continued to gain steam in the past several years, including those that focus on a specific genre such as leadership.

Recently, David Wheatley discussed Marshall Community Credit Union’s internal book club with their CEO, Heather Luciani, on Humanergy’s leadership podcast (available wherever you listen!). Their quarterly meeting is open to all employees from the first day they begin their tenure at MCCU. Heather started the book club as a way to cultivate a culture of continuous leadership growth and maintain alignment within the organization.

A few benefits of a leadership book club that were discussed were:

  • Keeps organizational culture front of mind, given that it’s easy to get lost in day-to-day tasks and lose alignment
  • Provides each employee an opportunity to have visibility
  • Accountability for upper management’s commitment to continued growth
  • Participants can act as accountability partners to reinforce what they’ve learned.

If you’d like to start a book club and need recommendations for your list, Humanergy has you covered! And if you’d prefer to watch David’s interviews with a wide variety of guests instead of listening to a podcast, they’re also available on YouTube here.

Are you a member of a book club, personally or professionally? If so, what do you think is the greatest benefit of participating? Leave a comment below or send us your insights.


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