A major change initiative has been launched with a comprehensive communication plan. Key people have been involved in and informed of the change strategies and the execution schedule. The CEO feels that this is a slam dunk.

Unfortunately, just making sure key people are informed or even involved in a change initiative is not enough. Humanergy counsels clients to understand the four forces that can influence people positively or negatively regarding a potential change:

  1. Do we understand? It is key that people have clarity around the why, what and how of the change, including what is definite, probable, possible and unknown about the future. This requires communication that is proactive, timely, and two-way, using language and examples that the receiver will best understand.
  2. What is the emotional impact? People must buy into the mission with a real sense of excitement, relief and/or opportunity. This requires deep listening and conversations (not presentations) in order to understand and address any true resistance.
  3. How are the key relationships? People must have a high level of trust in the change agents. This requires building or rebuilding trust through role modeling, working side-by-side and making/keeping small promises to repair or build bridges.
  4. Do we have the resources? People must know that the organization has the resources, help, support and training to make the change happen. This requires reprioritizing projects and existing resources and/or developing new resources.

Change is a call to engage with the people around us who will either enthusiastically endorse or block it from happening. As a change leader, it is your job to ensure the former.

Have a suggestion about how to influence change? Comment below or message us.


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash