Today’s blogger is Corey Fernandez, a Lead Coach and Trainer at Humanergy.

Have you ever considered this question? What if my problem of getting people to listen is related to me not listening to them in the first place?

Really, why should the other person listen to me if I’m not receiving them well and making them feel seen, heard and valued? Dr. Justin Bright – a Patient Experience Champion with the Henry Ford Health System – has been considering it and others like it for the past several years. Here are some of his thoughts in a recent blog post, where he credits Humanergy for a communication breakthrough.

  • Communication is a two-way street. The speaker can share information, and – without some confirmation from the listener –  be completely unaware that the message was not received.
  • When we are busy or stressed, the impulse to move quickly and just put ideas out there is amplified. This rarely creates real mutual understanding.

Dr. Bright also shared Humanergy’s specific techniques to use for speaking and listening when mutual understanding is your goal.

When speaking:

  1. Individualize your message, sharing content in a way the other person will best receive it.
  2. Share the context (background that is important for clarity), not just the bare facts.
  3. Make it unmistakable, by using the right few words that target and convey the key points.
  4. Close the loop. Ask the listener to summarize what they heard.

When listening:

  1. Absorb meaning, by fulling listening without a filter. Pay attention to the words, body language and feelings.
  2. Close the loop. Summarize what was heard in your own words. Check in with the speaker to be sure you got it right.
  3. Clarify as needed. Ask questions to ensure that you understand what the person is saying

How can you improve people’s experience with you by applying these tips – even when you’re in a hurry?

Hats off to Dr. Bright. Your patients and the Henry Ford Health System are lucky to have you!

Have a tried and true method for listening and being heard? Post below or message us.


Photo by Nik MacMillan on Unsplash