We’d like to welcome guest blogger Corey Fernandez, Humanergy’s newest Lead Coach and Trainer. He’s a seasoned facilitator and coach, as well as an avid outdoor enthusiast. Get to know more about him here.

From a groundhog wreaking havoc in a garden to world news and reactive financial markets, so many things are out of our control. The last thing we want to see out of control is our own career. One way to limit that from happening is to invite career advocates into our lives. If done effectively, it’s a game changer in uncovering our most rewarding opportunities.

An advocate is synonymous with champion, promoter and supporter. People willingly assume these roles when invited to help others grow their careers. They’re helpful when aiming to find new opportunities outside of a current company, advance within a current company or decide between staying or going.

I often hear about people’s game plans for growing their careers. Many talk about habitual internet searches as their primary way to seek growth and new opportunities. Unfortunately, search results don’t guarantee anything. After an hour-long search, there might not be anything to show for it.

Alternatively, one conversation with a career advocate means walking away with a broader perspective. Greater insight into where we’ve been, where we want to go and how to apply ourselves to reach those destinations helps us make better choices and avoid burning up our time. In other words, career advocates help us walk through the right doors and close the unnecessary ones.

How does a career advocate differ from a mentor or career coach?

  • It’s not typically a long-term or formal relationship.
  • They often agree to talk once or twice and interact over email on occasion.
  • They have specific life and career experiences that are related to topics you’d like to explore.
  • They’re connectors and willing to make introductions, when appropriate.

How do I build and nurture relationships with career advocates?

  • Set out to talk with people who represent a lifestyle you admire or have expertise in an area or company you want to learn about.
  • When you finally talk with advocates, share, ask questions and learn.
  • Be grateful for their time and thank them.
  • Equally important, send them an update after you successfully navigate your transition, and thank them again for their help.

What should I expect while building a network of career advocates?

  • Perspectives that’ll lead to new thoughts, ideas and plans.
  • Eventual clarity on your best career moves after recognizing repeated themes and eliminating options.
  • A collection of people who want you to succeed, and they’ll be thrilled to hear when you do.

From time-to-time, my father-in-law reminds me, “Nearly all of the world’s greatest achievements happened because two or more people decided to come together.” In that spirit, let it be you who invites career advocates into your life and lifts your career into one of your greatest achievements.

Have you found an advocate that’s willing to help you take control of your career? Tell us about your experience below or send us a message.


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