It seems like everyone these days has a coach – maybe a life coach or a career coach or a business coach (or all three).

More and more of Humanergy’s work  involves coaching people to improve in mindset, skillset and resultset. Most of Humanergy’s coaching is in the context of work, but obviously the line is blurry. When you start working on your work life and work relationships, there are wonderful spin-off effects in other realms as well. (We occasionally hear from spouses that they LOVE the results, which is very fun!)

So, why wouldn’t everyone be ready for some coaching? We’ve identified 4 factors that correlate with a successful coaching experience:

  • Motivation: Incentive, drive and energy to improve. If you’re really ready for coaching, you are eager for growth and recognize the benefits of making changes in thinking and behavior.
  • Receptivity: Openness to learning and change. If you already think you’ve got it figured out, you don’t need a coach. If you are committed to listening and implementing recommended changes (even the hard ones), you’re ready for coaching.
  • Resilience: Strength with adaptability to build your best self. You may hear some difficult feedback. Coaching can help you fully understand yourself (warts included) and figure out how to bring out your best attributes. But only if you’re ready to examine some long-held and comfortable old habits.
  • Discipline. Willingness to use accountability tools to ensure action, learning and progress. Getting the most out of your coaching experience requires more than insightful discussions and good intentions. You will need to create an action plan, implement it diligently and track your progress over time. Focus and discipline are required.

Lou Holtz once said, “Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period.” Maybe you’re ready to find a coach who can help you not only discipline yourself, but also enable you to realize outcomes you’ve only dreamed about. (You’ll be a better leader and maybe even an improved human being!)

Have a question or want some input from Humanergy about this topic? Contact us and we’ll get right back to you!