For many people, 2020 brought challenges that were unprecedented and relentless. The global pandemic, economic, educational and health inequalities, police brutality and political upheaval created a stew of anxiety, uncertainty and often great pain and loss. Much of that difficulty has followed us into 2021. And there are some bright sides – the capabilities realized and accelerated that made you and your team survive, and in some cases thrive, in spite of adversity.
Stop now to discuss the lessons learned from 2020. Focus not on the difficulties or uncertainties, but on the lessons learned and what you achieved in spite of the many challenges. Did you overcome stalled supply chains, navigate working from home, balance your professional life while supporting kids’ remote learning, or learn new ways of staying connected with teammates, friends and family? All of that is the “secret sauce” of 2020 that you need to catalog and bottle for future use.
Capture the feelings, best practices and competencies that turned potential disaster into endurance. This “secret sauce” is your 2020 Fighting Spirit that can be pulled off the shelf when challenges arise in the future. And obstacles will come, however now you know that the best view comes after the hardest climb.
Want to share a story of overcoming hardships? Comment below or message us.
Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash