We used to think of Facebook as something for teens and college students. Whoa, were we wrong! More and more professionals are using Facebook as a means of not only finding old friends, but making business connections as well.

In spite of receiving numerous emails with “be my friend on Facebook” requests, many of us at Humanergy are hesitant to create a presence on Facebook. Some have even categorized it as “jumping into the volcano.” Why?

We worry about blurring the lines between public and private. So you aren’t likely to see many of us posting party pictures or moment-by-moment updates. But there is a way to socially network without showing people your literal or figurative private parts.

Some Facebook “guidelines” for the more reluctant of us:

  • Limit the time commitment. We’ll be checking in once a day, max.
  • Seek out people you care about. Do I care about a 2nd grade friend who I haven’t heard from since? Not really (sorry).
  • Keep the proper balance between personal and professional. We’re going to keep in mind that our social networking is both, but professional is foremost.
  • Only post what you’d want your grandmother to see. What lives on Facebook now lives forever.

As some Humanergists contemplate a leap into the unknown, we look forward to meeting you on Facebook. But we look forward to meeting you more in person.

Have a question or want some input from Humanergy about this topic? Contact us and we’ll get right back to you!