Humanergy was founded on March 1, 2000 and we celebrated its 15th birthday with cake, gifts and fun. (Ask John and David about their bobbleheads!) What a milestone, especially if you consider that 80% of new businesses fail in the first 18 months. To what do we owe this longevity?

Amazing people. Clients and friends recognize that it’s the integrity, authenticity and competence of Humanergy’s people that separate us from the pack. Maybe I’m a little biased, but we feel fortunate to have attracted this group of talented folks, including staff, advisory board and key mentors along the way.

Strong goals and guiding principles. When David and John formed the company, they developed a set of interdependent goals, and those have been the compass for the organization ever since. The guiding principles about how we’ll work together came later, but like the younger sibling, they’re just as important. The package gives us guidance about where we’re going and how we’ll get there.

Unfailing drive to make people’s work lives better. If you’re going to make widgets, you should strive to be the best darn widget maker alive. Our widget is leadership, and we often lose sleep pondering better ways for people to realize their dreams, bust down barriers and achieve great things.

No, we’re not perfect, but what 15-year-old is? Thanks for coming along with us on this amazing journey. Family, friends and our amazing clients have contributed to the fabric of Humanergy in countless ways! Here’s to another 15 years!