Spencer WestleyWe are pleased to welcome guest blogger Spencer Westley, Humanergy’s recent intern and wellness writer.

A few weeks ago, I was at the doctor’s office with a nasty sinus infection (boogers …what are ya’ gonna do?) After the nurse practitioner (NP) thoroughly assaulted my nostrils with her auriscope to see how bad the damage was, I asked her a few non-nasal questions about general health. I wanted to know if being put on a vitamin regimen would be beneficial.

The first thing out of her mouth was, “Take a vitamin D pill. We live in Michigan; we hate the sun.” After NP Debi came to the conclusion that I got myself addicted to nose spray that past week (be thankful, Mom; I could be addicted to a lot worse), she continued by saying how we fair-skinned Michiganders either need to be getting our Vitamin D in pill or food form, or make an effort to get outside for a bit.

Vitamin D has some pretty substantial benefits for us as humans. D can help prevent illnesses such as the flu, multiple sclerosis and heart disease. On top of that, D can help aid in your weight loss journey and fight D-pression (Good one, Spence!). So, the moral of the story? Don’t D-prive (sorry, I’ll stop) yourself of Vitamin D!

Some people voice their worries about sunblock and its affect on our body’s ability to take in that Sunny D (THROWBACK TO MY GO-TO BEVERAGE IN 2001). A person who is wearing sunblock will lower their body’s absorption level of the vitamin compared to someone who isn’t wearing it. However, it’s still recommended that we use sun protection when outdoors, as there are other ways to get the vitamin without ending up like Tan Mom (Remember her? Google it). Use your common sense; protect yourself from the harmful rays of the sun with a little SPF. But on the other hand, still get out there and get your daily dose of Vitamin D. If you feel you can’t spend the time outdoors waiting to suck up all the goodies the daylight brings, opt for the pill or change your diet.

At the end of the day, Vitamin D is important for us to be as functional as possible, so we should do what we can to make the necessary changes in our lives.Talk to your doctor to see what’s best for you and your needs!

What’s your favorite way to stay healthy and balanced? Share below or send us a message.

Photo from Adobe Stock.