by Spencer Westley | Wellness, Work/Life Balance
We are pleased to welcome guest blogger Spencer Westley, Humanergy’s former intern and wellness writer. I was out for a morning run when I saw a deadly-looking, swamp-like waste on the side of the road. I’ve gotta tell ya’, I was five seconds away...
by Spencer Westley | Communication
We’d like to welcome guest blogger Spencer Westley, Humanergy’s former intern and current young professional. I, along with many other people, struggle in the art of being direct. Let’s face it, no matter what our better judgement tells us, sometimes it’s...
by Spencer Westley | Emotional Intelligence, Personality
We’d like to welcome guest blogger Spencer Westley, former Humanergy intern and current young professional. How many of you are knee-deep in emails day in and day out? Rhetorical question – ALL of you are! One of the major hurdles I had to jump over when I...
by Spencer Westley | Goals
We’d like to welcome guest blogger Spencer Westley, Humanergy’s former intern and current young professional. As professionals, we know that setting goals and pushing ourselves is a positive thing; that’s how we grow. However, sometimes it seems that...
by Spencer Westley | Conflict, Emotional Intelligence
This week’s guest blogger is Spencer Westley, Humanergy’s former intern and current thriving young professional. Let’s face it; sometimes you don’t get along with your coworkers. That’s fine, but you need to make sure that despite...