Stop blowing!

Stop blowing!

We are pleased to welcome guest blogger Spencer Westley, Humanergy’s former intern and wellness writer. I was out for a morning run when I saw a deadly-looking, swamp-like waste on the side of the road. I’ve gotta tell ya’, I was five seconds away...
Going vegan!

Going vegan!

We are pleased to welcome guest blogger Spencer Westley, Humanergy’s former intern and wellness writer. Once upon a time (seven years ago), in a land far, far away (California), there was a young boy (me, Spencer Westley) attending a family friend’s...
Vitamin D

Vitamin D

We are pleased to welcome guest blogger Spencer Westley, Humanergy’s recent intern and wellness writer. A few weeks ago, I was at the doctor’s office with a nasty sinus infection (boogers …what are ya’ gonna do?) After the nurse practitioner...