We are big fans of Jono Hey’s sketchplanations. These are small pictures that convey big ideas. This one was painfully familiar.
Is it human nature to believe that our future behavior will be better than today’s?
Perhaps that’s why we put off projects, procrastinate on our exercise program and figure we’ll eat more healthy food tomorrow.
Called present bias, it’s the excuse we make for NOT being our best selves. What choice can you make right now that aligns with your best self?
Let’s focus on the right stuff together.
Picture from Jono Hey’s sketchplanations.
Good post. In our Latinamerican culture this is one of our bigger challenges. We always let everything “for tomorrow”
What’s that saying? The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior? I’ve recently read a great book that shares a process for changing our behaviors by linking/anchoring the new behavior to a current habit; eventually the new behavior becomes the habitual behavior…quite fascinating. It’s called The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg and if there is a behavior or habit that you want to add to your life, Duhigg offers a process that actually works!