by Christi Barrett | Delegation
“I can’t delegate anything! We’ve had staff cuts, and everyone is too busy already.” That’s a pretty frequent comment made by leaders. Is there no other option but doing it yourself? Actually, delegation can still happen, even if...
by John Barrett | Teamwork
Getting on the same page as a team is always a challenge. Staying aligned over time requires vigilance and the investment of time and effort – even more so in a pandemic, when we are often physically distanced from one another. In “normal” times, we...
by Christi Barrett | Engagement, Success
The COVID-19 pandemic means that many workers are now remote. (And, lest we ignore the brutal reality, a great many others are not working at all.) Maintaining a shared focus on organizational/team success becomes more challenging when people are not physically...
by Christi Barrett | Decisiveness
Here at Humanergy, we are passionate about what we do – helping leaders, teams and organizations thrive. We’d even go so far as to say that passion at work is a prerequisite for great leadership, team work and individual contribution. And it should also be...
by Christi Barrett | Goals
One of the best and most satisfying aspects of our work at Humanergy is when a person reflects on what they’ve learned in their leadership journey. A recent coaching client remarked, “You know, I’ve always been a goal-oriented person. What I’ve...