by David Wheatley | Crisis
You’ve made an error, a project has failed or another problem has reared its ugly head again. Is your first impulse to learn from it and move on, or do you habitually perseverate over your missteps? There is a benefit to spending some time on the root causes of...
by David Wheatley | Crisis
For many people, 2020 brought challenges that were unprecedented and relentless. The global pandemic, economic, educational and health inequalities, police brutality and political upheaval created a stew of anxiety, uncertainty and often great pain and loss. Much of...
by Christi Barrett | Crisis
Those of us in the United States began our pandemic journey in March of 2020. Here we are in 2021, and we continue to be socially distanced (or arguing about its necessity) and awaiting the disbursement of the vaccine (or arguing about its safety). Life is far from...
by Kassie Hauenstein | Crisis
Our author today is Kassie Hauenstein. She is on the marketing team at SalesPage Technologies and is a tour guide for West Michigan Beer Tours. Kassie is finishing her MBA at Western Michigan University and hopes to apply creative problem solving skills and a...
by Christi Barrett | Crisis
Originally posted after David and Launda Wheatley’s transatlantic adventure in 2015, this blog offers practical insight on measuring progress in the midst of chaos. It has been edited slightly since the original. When you’re in the midst of turmoil, it...
by Christi Barrett | Crisis
It is true all the time, and certainly valid in a crisis. Great leaders manage themselves first, before they worry about aligning with others. Practical ways to lead yourself offered by Marlene Chism include: Control your mind and don’t worry obsessively....