Make curiosity your default setting

Make curiosity your default setting

One of the most frustrating things about my journey as a leader is realizing that I’m not as open-minded as I’d like to be. Though I’d like to claim that I’m more curious than certain, I get a rude awakening when my know-it-all self...
No advice, just questions

No advice, just questions

“We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.” Marcel ProustA coworker came to me recently to get input on a problem she was struggling to solve. Before she had even finished...
Curiosity: A leadership superpower

Curiosity: A leadership superpower

We are hard-wired to be critical of new ideas. Maybe it’s our Stone-Age brains in the forefront, avoiding risk in order to survive. Sometimes the urge to appear intelligent and decisive can result in too-swift judgment of something novel. Art Markman’s...