Benefits of an internal book club

Benefits of an internal book club

Have you ever wondered how to maintain an organizational focus on leadership development in between training sessions and coaching engagements? The popularity of book clubs has continued to gain steam in the past several years, including those that focus on a specific...
Feed your mind, body and spirit

Feed your mind, body and spirit

The pandemic has created more discretionary time in some people’s calendars, as virtual work eliminates commute time and travel is less common. To be clear, we know that for essential workers the crisis has resulted in long hours with little free time, and...
Independence in leadership

Independence in leadership

Today’s blogger is Humanergy’s Business Development and Marketing Manager, Tiffany Funk.If you’re wondering how to distinguish yourself as a leader within your organization, let your independence shine. Instead of working to make sure your...
Dare to be ugly

Dare to be ugly

Dorothy Parker said, “Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.” In the United States, we tend to value beauty. We create pleasing buildings and beautiful workspaces. But it is often the ugly that builds successful teams and...
Making the most of your one-on-one

Making the most of your one-on-one

Today’s guest blogger is Spencer Westley, former Humanergy intern and current thriving young professional.A one-on-one – or a 1:1 if you’re trying to stay hip with the kids – is exactly what it sounds like. Meeting with a mentor, working on a...
Take control of your career

Take control of your career

We’d like to welcome guest blogger Corey Fernandez, Humanergy’s newest Lead Coach and Trainer. He’s a seasoned facilitator and coach, as well as an avid outdoor enthusiast. Get to know more about him here.From a groundhog wreaking havoc in a garden...