by Tiffany Funk | About Humanergy, Development, Growth, Learning, New Leaders
Welcome, guest blogger, Tiffany Funk, who joined Humanergy in June. As the newest member of the team, I was given the opportunity to participate in a recent “Effective Meetings and Time Management” session of the Supervisory Leadership Certificate program....
by Christi Barrett | Learning
Humanergists recently did a “live 360” at a team meeting. Basically, we met for 2-minute one-on-one sessions to give each other feedback about our strengths and opportunities. For teams with high trust and good relationships, this process works well when...
by Christi Barrett | Coaching, Growth, Learning
Stan returned from a training, saying, “Wow, that trainer rocked. He told the best jokes!” Stan’s co-worker Jackie asked, “Did you learn a lot?” “Sure!” Stan replied. Two weeks later, the training materials were housed safely...