by John Barrett | Delegation
Bob, one of your direct reports, comes into your office, obviously stressed. “The client just found another glitch in the software. They’re threatening to cancel the work.” People come to you with problems on a daily basis. It might be tempting to...
by David Wheatley | Delegation, Leadership
Refrigerator magnet spotted at a client’s office recently: “Of course I don’t look busy. I delegated it right the first time.” While competent delegation won’t really take away all of your work, it will mean that you’re able to do what...
by Christi Barrett | Delegation, Supervision, Trust
Much has been written about the importance of people trusting their leaders. Less attention is paid to the essential quality of trust in your direct reports (sometimes referred to somewhat disparagingly as “subordinates”). There is a sweet spot of trust,...
by Christi Barrett | Coaching, Delegation
Delegation isn’t just about giving someone else something from your task list (as tempting as that may be). Delegation is really an agreement between two parties, both of whom have responsibilities to uphold. You might not use a formal contract, but there must...