Will you really do better tomorrow?

Will you really do better tomorrow?

We are big fans of Jono Hey’s sketchplanations. These are small pictures that convey big ideas. This one was painfully familiar.Is it human nature to believe that our future behavior will be better than today’s?Perhaps that’s why we put off projects,...
Name your leadership genius

Name your leadership genius

Should you spend more time leveraging your strengths or fixing your weaknesses? Evidence suggests that leaders are more effective when they focus on maximizing their natural capabilities. Stories abound of people who failed when they jumped into positions that did not...
Assume the best

Assume the best

You get to work and read an email from a coworker:Christi – the side door was left unlocked between 2 and 3 pm again. Have you thought of creating a checklist that will help you remember?JaneYou think: What a jerk Thanks for the helpful suggestion....