by Christi Barrett | Goals
Organizations can be prone to misalignment and loss of focus toward what really matters. This happens when people – even with the best of intentions – concentrate on differing objectives. It is hard enough to maintain our focus as indviduals, let alone...
by John Barrett | Teamwork
Getting on the same page as a team is always a challenge. Staying aligned over time requires vigilance and the investment of time and effort – even more so in a pandemic, when we are often physically distanced from one another. In “normal” times, we...
by Christi Barrett | Emotional Intelligence
I thought I was pretty immune to secondhand stress. Then came the coronavirus and massive change, economic pressure and working remotely. A Management Tip of the Day from Harvard Business Review reminded me that no (wo)man is an island when it comes to picking up...
by Christi Barrett | Meetings
Do you look forward to meetings? (Yes, we know you just spit up your coffee when you read that.) Most people find meetings to be overly long, boring, repetitive and lacking concrete outcomes. Given how much of our work lives we spend in meetings, this issue of poorly...
by Christi Barrett | Crisis
Originally posted after David and Launda Wheatley’s transatlantic adventure in 2015, this blog offers practical insight on measuring progress in the midst of chaos. It has been edited slightly since the original. When you’re in the midst of turmoil, it...