by Kiana Thomas | Communication
This week’s guest blogger is Kiana Thomas, Humanergy’s former intern and current young professional. Watching the movie 12 Angry Men, I realized how big a role groupthink plays in decision making, and how important it is to avoid its pitfalls. I have...
by John Barrett | Interdependence, Problem solving
It’s been said that for every problem, there is a solution. Yet, when complicated issues arise, it can be all too easy to freeze, at least temporarily. Because most work processes are complex, interdependent, multi-dimensional systems, the problems that can...
by Christi Barrett | Decision-making, Goals
Leaders are fantastic problem-solvers. However, there may be situations that are so confusing that they defy the typical problem-solving strategies. What do you do when you’re faced with a thorny dilemma and can’t think of what to do? Steve McKee...
by Christi Barrett | Decision-making, Strategic
Today’s leaders are problem-solvers. Issues can take a toll when the quandaries pile up or have serious implications. What’s an overwhelmed leader to do? Rethink problems as issues to resolve, not obstacles or unnecessary headaches. It seems like a minor...
by Tiffany Funk | Courage, Decision-making, Leadership, New Leaders
Welcome, Tiffany Funk, Humanergy’s Marketing & Materials Specialist and today’s blog author. You’ve worked hard, logged long hours at the office and have always gone the extra mile to get things done. You’ve shown that you’re...