Four steps to employee engagement

Four steps to employee engagement

More than half of the people who leave their jobs do so because of their boss, according to the smart people at Gallup. Sure, employee engagement (emotional commitment to the organization and its goals) matters, too. Who is responsible for 70% of an employee’s...
Conquer collaboration

Conquer collaboration

Collaboration – working with others to get something done – is a desirable, productive action. The meeting of multiple minds usually means a better outcome than could be achieved alone. Because of this bias toward collaboration, the downside is sometimes...
Feed your team

Feed your team

I am a card-carrying member of ASDT (Adult Survivors of a Dysfunctional Team). I am sure that it is just a coincidence (or the fact that I have been working for many, many years), but I’ve served on a few teams that were not productive.Dysfunctional teams do...
Ask the right questions at the right time

Ask the right questions at the right time

Your once-well-oiled machine of a team is experiencing strife. Some people seem to be spending more time whining than doing their jobs. A high-priority project is behind schedule and over budget. What questions do you ask to understand what’s really going...