Are you a Tough Mudder?

Are you a Tough Mudder?

Phil, a fellow Humanergist, just returned from the Tough Mudder challenge held in South Amherst, Ohio. This is billed as “probably the toughest event on the planet.” The Tough Mudder is a 10 to 12 mile obstacle course designed by British Special Forces....
It really IS all about you

It really IS all about you

My mantra for 2012 is “me first.” Self-care is something I struggle with, since I usually define myself as the person who takes care of others. In fact, somewhere deep down, I believe that doing something for myself is selfish. As difficult as this may be,...
Job hunt? Nail the interview

Job hunt? Nail the interview

We recently covered resume tips for those who may be entering or re-entering job search mode.  Presuming you’ve thoroughly worked your network of contacts, you are ready for the interview stage. (If you still think you’ll get a job via newspapers or online postings,...
On the hunt? Resume tips

On the hunt? Resume tips

Looking for another job? Maybe you’re considering a move while struggling in your current position. Maybe you’ve been hit by the economy and your job was replaced, misplaced or lost and waiting to be found! Many people are facing a job search years or even decades...

Why you’re not achieving your goals

Advice abounds when it comes to setting goals. You’ve probably been told a million times to make your goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Result-driven and Time-bound). Yet year after year, you either don’t bother setting goals or you lose track...