Letting failure go

Letting failure go

You’ve made an error, a project has failed or another problem has reared its ugly head again. Is your first impulse to learn from it and move on, or do you habitually perseverate over your missteps? There is a benefit to spending some time on the root causes of...
Do you rescue people?

Do you rescue people?

A leader (we’ll call him Fred) recently lamented, “I feel like I set direction for people and give them deadlines, but they just don’t get stuff done. So when the deadline is looming, I end up doing it myself.” How do you hold people...
Benefits of an internal book club

Benefits of an internal book club

Have you ever wondered how to maintain an organizational focus on leadership development in between training sessions and coaching engagements? The popularity of book clubs has continued to gain steam in the past several years, including those that focus on a specific...