by Lance Satterthwaite | Trust
Stephen R. Covey wrote in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, “Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” There are probably millions of...
by David Wheatley | Supervision
Asking powerful questions is one of the key skills of a great leader and team member. In my client work, I see many reasons why this doesn’t happen. Often the barriers to asking questions (versus just giving the answer) involve assumptions and beliefs about...
by Christi Barrett | Hybrid Work
Plans are underway – or being implemented right now – for many employees to return to their offices “post”-COVID. We won’t weigh in on the health and safety issues of a return to physical cohabitation during the work day. We WILL join...
by Christi Barrett | Communication
“If you let a person talk long enough, you’ll hear their true intentions. Listen twice, speak once.” Tupac Shakur Motivational speeches get a lot of air time. Just check out Facebook and YouTube. As leaders, however, what really makes an impact is...
by Christi Barrett | Communication, Mutual Understanding
Few things are more frustrating than speaking with someone who isn’t listening. Distracted by their phone a noisy room or busy mind, bad listeners seem to be multiplying in modern society. What’s a communicator to do? Rebecca Knight on HBR has some great...