by Christi Barrett | Creativity, Flexibility, Learning
Tendonitis in my knee has resulted in a fairly long stint in physical therapy. During the course of treatment, my regular therapist took a vacation, so received treatment from a different therapist. I expected to receive the same type of treatment, but what I got was...
by David Wheatley | Creativity, Growth, Organizational Climate, Teamwork
This humble pile of stones has been created (and re-created) at Humanergy’s back door. Although I created it initially, it is not uncommon to find people adding to the stack or re-building it after a strong wind or curious squirrel took its toll. Rock stacking...
by Christi Barrett | Creativity, Flexibility
Those amazing folks at Brains on Fire posted this video on their blog, and it blew my doors off! I won’t attempt to summarize this, except to say that I am going to put away my media for a part of each day in order to be awed and inspired. Watch it now. Imagine...
by Christi Barrett | Creativity
You have a problem to solve or a new idea to cook up. What do you do? Pile lots of people in a room and brainstorm, right? Wrong. It turns out that free association in a group uncovers predictable options, not innovative, creative ones. In the presence of others, we...
by Christi Barrett | Change, Courage, Creativity, Development, Flexibility, Success
Whitney Johnson wrote a blog post called How to Identify Your Disruptive Skills. She wasn’t instructing people on how to be rude or annoying. She wrote about how you can uncover their most unique strengths. As she said, “These may be capacities that are so...
by Christi Barrett | Creativity, Crisis, Decision-making
You’re facing a crisis and working hard not to panic. Sure, it’s not your first emergency, and you survived the others. What tools can you use this time to not only survive, but maintain clear thinking in the midst of chaos? Use situational awareness. Law...