by Tiffany Funk | Culture, Growth
Have you ever wondered how to maintain an organizational focus on leadership development in between training sessions and coaching engagements? The popularity of book clubs has continued to gain steam in the past several years, including those that focus on a specific...
by Christi Barrett | Choice, Emotional Intelligence
Economic uncertainty. Health concerns. Isolation. There are plenty of things to fear in the midst of a pandemic. How can fear hurt your leadership? Can fear be transformed into an amplifier for good? In our latest book, “What Great Teams Do Great: How Ordinary...
by Christi Barrett | Goals
It can be argued that 2020 was an exceptional year – bringing much uncertainty, chaos, concern and even grief. How does one mark the end such a year and begin anew in 2021? The host of the podcast “Broken Brain with Dhru Purohit,” shares a simple gratitude...
by Christi Barrett | Emotional Intelligence
Hope can be hard to find (or keep) during challenging, unpredictable times. Understanding the components of hope helps us see and believe in the light at the end of the tunnel. Goals – Have a desired future state to aim for. Make it SMART (specific, measurable,...
by Christi Barrett | Engagement, Success
The COVID-19 pandemic means that many workers are now remote. (And, lest we ignore the brutal reality, a great many others are not working at all.) Maintaining a shared focus on organizational/team success becomes more challenging when people are not physically...